Category: Opinion

Breaking Down Breaking Bad

I think television shows have grown increasingly intelligent over the years. Not all, mind you. But when I watch some shows, they make me think. And not just about the characters or the situations those characters get into. I think…


I ran across this blog the other day. And I realized it was mine. “Wow,” I say to myself, “I remember this blog.” When did I quit putting anything on it that wasn’t related to books? When did I become…

Animal Marshmallows

Recently I was researching cheeses to see if we, as vegetarians, could still indulge in Pizza King. We can, by the way, as explained in an earlier post. But, in my search I ran across something disturbing. Gelatin is in…

In Search of Vegetarian Cheese

One of the things I’ve noticed since joining my daughter in being vegetarian is the complete lack of good, consistent information on ingredients in cheese. Some cheeses are vegetarian, but since it only lists “enzymes” in the ingredients, you can’t…

Good to the First Cup Update…

About a week ago, my husband went with me to purchase my Keurig B70 Platinum Single-Serve Coffee Brewer. It’s my Christmas present, but I wanted it before my family came over for a Christmas party at our house. You know…

Bling Your Brew

Now this is some expensive caffeine. Next time you’re thinking $5 is way too much to spend at Starbucks, check out this dazzling duo offered by Nespresso in their Crystal Collection. Those are Swarovski crystals encrusting the sides of these cool…

Hide All Jesus Freak Shirts and SUVs

I’ve been seeing this a lot. If something offends someone, the person offended wants the other person to cease. So whose rights are being violated here? The person offended by another’s actions? Or the person minding their own business, living…

Courtesy – It’s Not Common At All

This past weekend, a very sad thing occurred. My husband’s grandmother died. Now, she’d had a great life and certainly great family. She was not young, although no one really knew her exact age, so it wasn’t a surprise. But,…

Who Are These People?

You ever notice those commercials trying to sell you a product that is supposed to be easier to use than what you currently use? I saw this new Oxiclean Ball commercial where seemingly normal people try in vain to measure…